Drug Addiction
Addiction means if you are habitual to something. We can take "addiction" word in bad sense. If you are addicted to something it is bad for you and drug addiction is very bad kind of addiction infect the worst kind of addiction
It has been proved by modern scientific research that if you regular use a particular drug it will surely harm your digestive system and nervous system. If you are using a particular drug daily you are doing somethinin human body and major causes of ill health and death . Muscular degeneration, cataract and cancer are the most dangerous disease. These have along latency period before symptoms appear and many times when you find the symptoms its too late and you are not able to get any treatment. Drugs slowly slowly affect the human body and slowly slowly destroy the system of human body.
People are playing with their own health just for little enjoyment and the habit of taking drugs .Drugs not only effect the health of the user but also affect their financial and mental condition. These drugs are costly and the user spend money on them. This effect the financial condition of the individual.
In village people physical abuse their families for money even they threaten their children when they do not g wrong to your health. The drug is taking a person's health to the lowest level. All our energy and vitality is sucked like a bacteria sucks our blood. The user becomes hollow just like a coconut.
Bad effect of drugs on health of people:
Throughout human history the leading causes of death have been infection. Drugs are main causes of infection get the money for the drug. He do not even care what he is doing with his family. All the addict person wants is drug and he wants drug at any cost even the cost is his family. In villages people drink "Pauha". It is a very harmful drink and the most alcoholic drug. It is cheaper then
wine,whisky and other alcoholic drug but more harmful to health as it is more alcoholic then any other alcoholic drinks. It directly affect the lever so the digestion system of human body became poor so it does not work properly and the addict person get so many diseases at last he died.

As you know that drugs are taking to you to the doorstep of death why people want to finish their life. the life is very precise and if you are wasting your life for just enjoyment and satisfaction you are spoiling your life and your families life too. If anyone decide something then nothing is impossible. Leaving this bad habit can be possible if the addicted person to do so. only the addict person can motivate himself to getting out from it.
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