How can i get a 1 to 50 dollar click for ads
You will search all in the webpages and but only will see
that your keyword selection is not so good and you should follow Google Adwords
but it is not like that good and more ads depends on your views and also on
those links they are visiting to you on.
See if we discuss about a topic that your blog either on blogger or wordpress
or a website is having a free articles and there are different topics like -
hair growth
lose weight and many more
NOTE this- Very high cpc ads follow the not just best sites
or the best about them will make them follow to your blogs or sites.
It is same that i am
going to explain further that you have a site related to one topic. So now what
i am going to explain is that if you will write on the topic more related to
hair growth then the maximum ads will seen related to hair growth which is generally
of low cpc and also is you are not writing about that topic but if the viewer
are more coming to it only then also the same problem will occur but this will
only solve if the topic that you write about is related to high cpc word and
mainly on the viewer coming to you try to gain more traffic on the topic
related to high cpc your site will
having a good and the best cpc ads.
As we know Google don’t just give on the
ads related to your topic but checks on the stuff you have written in it.
"The more the
views on the single topic the more he ads will come good and best on that topic page ad."
All says for a cost
per click is less then you are mistaking in keyword but what is the main problem the main problem is
that the keyword if you see " lawyer"
having a good cpc then it is the all average cost given to Google to show ads
in which the lawyers in the world all
are giving but if you search for that worlds best lawyer and search his/her
keyword and his company or him is giving a best cpc you should try writing on
it as if you write well on it the best you can and some post before writing to
it related to lawyer you will get the ad on selected topic and like this you
will have to know how only this topic and my site is a good cpc collector and
more and more views on it will work as a very good achievement for you all.
Don' t just go to all and start searching on all they are well settled and they
want you to b just go to them and search again and again but this makes you frustrated
because they are not getting answer for
your work, even on some sites they will ask for 5 or 4 dollar or more for
giving only a one keyword but only a single will not work.
For a 1 dollar to 40 dollar or more click you should try
this in favors of you because this one click on site is not just so simple and
if that one gives you money in cents, this one lick for cents makes you frustrate
and hopeless and if you think more visitors will come than also the cents
formula is applied on it means it is giving
very low cpc then it is
following the same as above as explained. Countries do depend on the cpc but keep concentrating
on ads not country people change the product or thing having high reputation
will give you more.
Don't just
be hopeless for this work in a very step wise function and your low cpc will comes to high cpc as website. Example : Writing about (x,y,z college) name and a good writing on it will
make them to your site and if you have only written on medical college then any
one ad of that topic could come to your site. As explained above you will get
your word to have a word and ad related and as a result a very high cpc
keyword. For any query or something will
solve with my all I can for you. Best of luck guys do well.
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