Monday, 21 July 2014

Fruits and their uses

              Fruits and their uses  


fruits , fruits juice , love fruits
 Importance of fruits are their in life of people , they are benificial to us. As we know from the ancient times when we dont know about our todays delicious dishes and vegetables we are having them in our life as a raw product .
fruits , fruits importance , good for health
   Benifits of some fruits are here like oranges make our skin glowing and is benificial for our skin and eyes ,apple is an anti infectious fruit for human as we says "an apple a day keepsthe doctor away ". They increases our imune system and make us free from diseases . Cherries, stawberry and watermelon are good for human heart they are benficial for the beating rate of heart. Kiwi increases the bone mass as if a man doing muscle bulding kiwi could help him to grow his bone mass . So as explained for some fruits many others are benificial too.
 For an healthy future we should eat diffrent fruits  for our benifits. Mango seed is used as a medicine for treatment of cancer . Many things in todays life are made from fruits , tu give taste to our eatables  like in ice cream their are many according to our taste .  Recent studierg have found that eating greater varient reducerg the risk of diabetes  and has a stronger effect on growing life .  Healty life is essential in which a part of fruit could help as a magic .

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