Friday, 18 July 2014

Ancient lord story : parents respect & love

                         Ancient lord story :   parents respect & love                                                                                                                     

  In hindu mythology their were many stories of god that were intresting and giving a moral for the future generation. The story that is published explains the parents respect and how great they are .   God mahadev the a creator of the earth and his wife god parvati  with their 2 son god ganesha and god kartiekya  . One day narada visited kailash (mahadev lived ) to see who is more inteligent among ganesha and kartike for this he gave a mango to lord Mahadev and said this mango is not an ordinary mango this is the special one and sweetest mango but you can not share it among all , only one person can eat this. When both the son heard about this special mango ganesha said i will eat this and kartike said no i will .They both began to compete each other who will eat it.            
    Lord  Mahadev and parvati decided to do a competition between them who wins will get the mango , Narada thought and  said who will revolve around the whole world three times would be the  winner and will get the special mango. Kartike vehicle was peacock and ganesh vehicle was mouse.               When they heard about the competition kartike went on his peacock ganesha knew that he can not beat his brother  beacuse his vehicle is mouse and by his great thinking he revolved around his parents three  times. When kartike returned he saw mango in ganesha's hand he asked why you had not revolved around the whole world like me and yet  you have got the precious mango . Ganesha replied my parents are my whole world and  in place of going around the whole world i revolved around my parents .     Kartike felt bad as he could not thought of this . Lord Mahadev and parvati were happy from this by ganesh great respect for them .                                              
  Parents are all from our birth , it is also said  as per hindu mythology parents are all for us . This story showing respect to his parents was renowned of past and wanted the future generation to know how great our prericious and great our parents are in the universe . 

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